Tuesday, May 1, 2007

An address to the golden door

So I'm watching the Gilmore Girls and it's the Shins episode. And now I have "So Says I" stuck in my head. But it's one of my favorites, so I don't really mind it being stuck.

Something I do mind? Not having a mac. It is so sad. I hate hate hate my computer. I can't work like this. I just saw a British mac commerical, and you know what? They are just as great as ours. The two guys were in boxes, and the mac was like 'K, I'm all ready to go!' and the PC was like 'Well I'm not; first I have to download some things, and read this 1000 page manual, and then install this virus software, and blah blah blah'... Life is too short to own a PC.

Shopping List:
A macbook.
Nikons are the best.
Coolest headphones ever.
And one of these, please. Yummy.


everlastingscribe said...

Uh-huh, like I can pick you up one of those at the local store ;) It would be weird-faaaar to weird-if I could. You know, with the cheap bathing suits and the breath mints I can just manage to get one of those into the shopping cart too. Price check? ;)

everlastingscribe said...

Nice profile!