Thursday, June 21, 2007

A dreamer dreams she never dies

I saw a rainbow today on Marriottsville. Tried to take a drive-by photograph, but it didn't really turn out...

In the world of MASH I will marry Christian Bale, have 6 children, live in Narnia, be a ring-keeper, and drive chitty chitty bang bang. A good life, I think.

Things I need to do very soon:
1. Visit Brittany, because she is one of my favorite friends and needs to be reminded of that fact.
2. Get a new job, even though the bookstore is hiring some very cool people at the moment. And I hate that I have to leave.
3. Go visit RC in Berkeley Springs. Maybe see the famous George Washington's bathtub, that I've already seen. But it never really loses its appeal.
4. Visit Richie and his little rustic house, see where he works and the little creepy old man that spies on him. Get attacked by chiggers and other living things. Go to Maryland heights and enjoy the wonderful view.
5. Harpers Ferry for a picture-taking day.
6. Spend lots of time with my dad, just because.

Monday, June 11, 2007

I am a groundbreaker, naive enough to believe this.

To laugh often and love much.
To win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children.
To earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends.
To appreciate beauty.
To find the best in others.
To give of one's self.
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition.
To have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation.
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

I've never been to England, but I kind of like the Beatles...

So I got new strings for my guitar today. And I realized something. You need to prepare yourself to walk into a music store, because inevitably someone always wants to make conversation. It's just a fact. The guy at Sam Goody the other day informed me that I was buying "the ultimate mellow cd collection". And then proceeded to tell me about his roomate who is obsessed with the Shins and was really happy when The Garden State soundtrack made them popular. They were in that soundtrack? Guess so. I wasn't aware/didn't notice. Apparently his roomate was also into Avril Lavigne when she was still an underground act. Not that I was buying her cd... I actually don't know how she came up in the conversation. But she did.
The guy in Record and Tape Traders felt the need to inform me about Mr. Rogers being involved in some shady business...I don't remember really. Sniper? I have no idea. Something about a tattoo. Anyways, Mr. Rogers always kind of creeped me out. But apparently my friend had heard about it and she and the guy talked/flirted for awhile about this. She is the queen of trivial knowledge, and he seemed to dig it.

So I like quirky conversation. It's better than the usual ''s out today...'. But somehow, normal questions throw me off... Why am I so awkward?

Today, at Jams music store:
Rather good looking guitar guy- "So what kind of music do you play?"
Me-"Um...folk, I guess..."
Guy-"Oh yeah? What kind of bands are you into?"
Me-"Uh..." *racking my brain to think of at least one band out of my 1765 favorites so I can appear halfway intelligent* "Well...I like a LOT."

I don't know why I do this.

So I knew Elijah Wood was in the Cranberries 'Ridiculous Thoughts' video, but apparently he was also in Paula Abdul's 'Forever Your Girl'. Weird.

Yeah I don't have anything else interesting to say. Not at the moment at least.

Favorite cd: Cassadaga. so so good.

Movies to go see: